Cancellation Policy
Thanks for shopping at Amimurus. We appreciate the fact that you like to buy our products.
We understand that sometimes a product may not be what you expected it to be. In that unlikely event, we invite you to review the following terms related to cancellations. As with any shopping experience, there are terms and conditions that apply to transactions at Amimurus Website.
Please remember that by placing an order or making a purchase at Amimurus, you agree to the terms set forth as below.
Can I cancel my order ?
You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded.
Once the item you have ordered has been shipped but has not yet been delivered to you, you can choose not to accept it and initiate the cancellation process. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered item back from the courier.
Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled once the item has been delivered to you.
How do I cancel an order ?
In order to cancel an item in your order:
Log into your Amimurus account and go to the 'My Orders' page
Identify the item you want to cancel and click on the corresponding 'View Details' link
In the detailed order page, you will see 'Cancel' links against each of the items you had ordered.
Click on the 'Cancel' link, indicate the reason for cancellation, choose a mode of refund and confirm cancellation.
Once your cancellation request is created, we will ensure that the cancellation is processed as soon as possible.
How long will it take to process the cancellation request?
Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a maximum of 7 -14 business days to cancel the order and initiate a refund. You will be notified of the same by email.
If the Order Status shows the item(s) in your order as 'Shipped', then the cancellation request is nullified and the courier will reach you. You can then initiate a returns process as per the Returns policy.
How do I see a disabled 'Cancel' link?
A disabled 'Cancel' link can mean the following things:
The item is being shipped together with another order of yours
The item is non-refundable.
Who do I contact for queries regarding cancellation?
You can write to us at or call us on +919358874774, 10.30am to 7.00pm